Tragedia di Genova, sospese le operazioni di scavo: rischio di ulteriori crolli

Some buildings in the area of he highway-bridge-collapse disaster in Genoa, Italy, 15 August 2018. People living in the buildings in the area have been evacuated following the collapse of a section of the Morandi bridge because there is a risk the other parts of the bridge could fall. The death toll for Tuesday's highway-bridge-collapse disaster has risen to 39, according to reports on 15 August, and the Italian Government will proclaim national mourning for the Genoa tragedy. ANSA/LUCA ZENNARO

Continua ad aggravarsi il bilancio delle vittime del crollo del ponte Morandi. Sarebbero 39 le vittime accertate, tra cui 3 bambini. Sarebbero state sospese le operazioni di scavo per ulteriori rischi di crolli. 

Antonio Carbonara